Sunday, July 19, 2009

the disability

My current health issues began with a small area of pain for which no cause could be found. I pushed on, not one to be waylaid by a bit of pain. But, it continued to grow in intensity, then spread to new areas, until life in general became impossible.

I have been through so many doctors, extensive testing, many chemical attempts to relieve the pain, even hypnosis. I still am no closer to an answer or a fix, although the pain clinic has me at a manageable level on most days. I can at least now sit up in a chair, shower, drive short distances. This is major progress. And, on the horizon, I am scheduled for even more testing at a world renowned diagnostic clinic, so there is hope.

I spent months of my life unable to talk, eat solid food, or do pretty much anything that would have contributed to a meaningful life. Then, as the medication began to improve my abilities to function, the depression set in.

It is no wonder that my marriage has suffered. I want my life back. More accurately, I want a new improved version of my life. So, I am on a journey.

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